Book a Workshop

Creativity 4 a Cause Workshops

There are three types of workshops offered.

  1. Therapeutic Creativity Private Event Workshops

  2. Weekly Therapeutic Workshops

  3. Art4Healing® Private Workshops

What Workshop do you want to book?

Therapeutic Creativity Private Event Workshop

Great for a birthday party, a girls night, or a special celebration!

These workshops provide the safety, encouragement and positive reinforcement for people of different ages, cultures, genders, and backgrounds to rediscover their creativity and build artistic confidence. This non-threatening environment supports participants to be fully in the moment, to express themselves, and to have fun exploring their creativity. Through therapeutic creativity individuals increase self-esteem, build confidence, heal wounds, and learn a new healthy behavior and form of expression.

Previous art experience isn’t necessary!

We offer 2 hour creative workshops for all ages and populations.

The cost including all materials is $40 per person.
Book a private workshop for $400 (max of 10 participants).

Upon booking you will be able to choose what lesson you want to experience from our curriculum.

Weekly Therapeutic Creativity Classes

Perfect for dual diagnoses treatment centers or groups looking to explore our whole curriculum.

Our workshops are process focused providing participants the opportunity to experiment with a variety of media. Exploring art and creativity in a positive, non-judgmental and peaceful environment allows for free association, the expression of thoughts, feelings and conflicts, while building confidence. The sessions are enjoyable - participants often find themselves in the moment, enjoying exploratory behavior which allows unexpected insights to arise.

Prices vary depending on participants and time. Please contact us to find out more.


Art4Healing® Workshops

An Art4Healing® workshop allows participants to get in touch with inner feelings that many times words cannot express. A facilitator leads participants through a series of prompts as they respond by painting abstractly with acrylic colors on canvas. The method helps participants express their feelings in a safe way by associating a color with a feeling. Each participant takes home 3 completed paintings at the end of the workshop.

Previous art experience isn’t necessary!

We offer 3 hour workshops for individuals 13 and older.
The cost including all materials is $55 per person.
Book a private workshop for $550 (max of 10 participants).

If you are interested in experiencing Art4Healing® but do not want to book a private workshop, please visit Art and Creativity for Healing at .